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located in Berlin

Christopher Colaço and Philipp Schaeper know each other since they moved from their southern german hometowns to Berlin.  Beside that fact of a similarity both  studied Jazz piano/drums at the Berlin University of Arts. While doing this Colaço|Schaeper dived into the vibrant Jazz scene of the german metropole – playing and working together this helps building their enormous musical team spirit. But their proof of content as being a smart composer team was in 2013. As Christopher and Philipp had the opportunity to score their first movie (Oh Boy! – A coffee in Berlin) and therefore formed an old school sounding Jazz band..

After winning the German Academy Award for best original score of: “OH BOY” , they continued to develop their collaborative project as a duo writing and scoring music.

Album: View From Above

Filme (Auswahl):

Trübe Wolken [Christian Schäfer]

Masuren Krimi Episode 1 – 4

Kommt ein Vogel geflogen [Christian Werner]

Polizeiruf 110 – Seine Familie kann man sich nicht aussuchen [Stefan Krohmer]

27 Storeys [Bianca Gleissinger]

Blind ermittelt – Tod im Weinberg [Till Franzen]

Christoph & Philipp on Spotify

listen to Colaço|Schaeper


Artist Website